How do funds raised help?
Our mission is to strive for improved mental health & suicide prevention services. We work to raise awareness of the issues of suicide and mental health and of the supports that are available when people need them most. Our supporters' donations and fundraising help us fulfil our mission to turn the tide of suicide through education, research and support.
In practical terms, the funds we receive help us to provide suicide alertness training, commission research, campaign for improved services, raise awareness and provide safe & reliable information and resources.
Our website www.3ts.ie is an excellent source of information on suicide and mental health matters with accessible resources and signposting to supports in Ireland. It's a reliable first step for anyone concerned about a mental health risk or about suicide. Use this website as a mental health toolkit. Refer to it for practical, useful information and resources on these issues, on getting help and on giving help, whether for yourself or for another person.
3Ts receives no state funding
We rely solely on fundraising activities and donations. But, we keep overheads to a minimum to ensure that the maximum amount of funds raised are used for these charitable purposes. We employ one permanent staff member who is supported by a core team of volunteers to carry out the charity's work.
We appreciate your support. It matters and it helps. Thank you.
Click on any of the topics below to find out more about the 3Ts work that is funded by donations and fundraising activities.
Our commitment to best practice in fundraising
3Ts is a registered charity in Ireland and are committed to best practice in fundraising and charitable activities.
- 3Ts adhere to "Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public" issued by the Charities Regulator.
- 3Ts Donor Charter
- 3Ts Public Compliance Statement
- Registered Charity No. 20054878.
- Revenue Charity No. CHY15710.
Learn more about 3Ts compliance, governance, policies and accounts.